Did you know that frequent flyers–passengers and cabin crew–are considered radiation workers?  That’s right you read that correctly. Because of the radiation exposure from high-altitude flying, their radiation risk is hundreds of times higher than that of terrestrial workers.How many of you love the high altitude perspective of looking out the airplane window– the clouds, the sunset, the sunrise, the night lights over urban cities, the horizon? In watching this beauty we don’t often think of the effects of being at high altitude when in a pressurized airplane cabin.Scott Cohen, author of the Darker Side of Hypermobility and Deputy Director of Research of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey said that frequent flyers have the same exposure as radiation workers, and that there is an increasing movement to classify them as such. In fact, according to Cohen, flight and cabin crews have a higher exposure than those who work in nuclear power plants. Forbes recently published an article on the importance of travel wellness–citing Jayne McAllister, my friend and co-Founder in Global Business Traveler Wellness Associates (GBTWA)–and discussing radiation risk along with other contributors to business travel stress. Read the Forbes article here.I also learned from my friend and GBTWA co-Founder, Christopher Babayode that one trans-Atlantic flight is equal to 50 X-rays. That is a very sobering statistic!  The best thing we can do protect ourselves from the harmful effects of this radiation exposure is to stay hydrated during flight, detox to eliminate the radiation effects in the body, and eat nouri to keep our immune systems strong. Chris has been crisscrossing the globe for British Airways for over ten years. He recognizes that there is no safe dose of radiation, so he focuses on how to protect himself as much as possible. Christopher Babayode is an expert in healthy flying as the “Go To Person” for healthy jet lag solutions for frequent fliers. He is also the Wellbeing and Inclusions Advisor for BA, Founder of NoJetStress, and  a naturopathic nutritional therapist. I very much value and trust his opinion.