If you travel outside of the UK, India and Asia than the answer is most likely yes. How is it that the coffee maker and single use coffee servings dominate hotel rooms? Ever tried to boil water through a coffee maker to make some chamomile tea to relax after a long day? It tastes like coffee right? Not what you want your herbal tea to taste like. Here’s the solution to those tea lovers out there; ask your hotel help desk for a tea kettle. If they have one, they will bring it to you pronto. If they don’t they will bring you teapot of boiling of water. Either way, you get to avoid the coffee flavored tea. More importantly, the more you ask, the more likely they are to start thinking about tea lovers, and tea aficionados as equally important customers as coffee drinkers.

Hotels could solve two problems by replacing the coffee maker with a tea kettle and a French press. Problem number 1—make the customer happy. Tea drinkers and coffee drinkers both appreciate a brew from a fresh press. In fact, some of the best coffee you will ever drink is that which is brewed in a French press, because it preserves all of the coffee beans’ oils which otherwise would get trapped in filters. Problem number 2—reduce waste. Europe is already banning single use plastics, and the City of Hamburg was the first German city to ban single use coffee pods. Many aficionados travel with their own coffee or tea. Certainly travelers aware of the power of adaptogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulating herbs know the value of whole herbs to use as morning and and evening tonics. Either bring your own or venture out to a natural foods or herbal store.